Debbie Serban, MS, CTRS, ACSM-CPT, introduces her Covid-19 Return to Exercise Protocol. Scroll down for more info!
*These findings do not apply to those with long Covid. As with any exercise regimine, please check with you doctor to ensure you are healthy and well enough to return to physical exertion.
Who’s tested Positive?
Who’s been exposed to Covid?
When will it happen to me?
What does it mean for my family and me?
What do I do when I get it?
These and so many questions like these are haunting our daily lives. We are seeing COVID projections and estimates and cautions every darn day again. I am on the other side of my first COVID experience and have learned a lot, and I want to share it with you.
One of the most important things has been safely returning to exercise after experiencing COVID-19. I have had a bit of time over the last 15 days to do some research, and what I have found has been interesting, intriguing, and frustrating. We are used to having answers immediately, and with this, there are few, and what is out there is very changing. Changing because we are experiencing this virus in real-time. In its time.
I have put together “Covid Return to Exercise Protocol.” I hope you will take this seriously, use it, share it, and give me feedback. The video explains more, and the protocol is attached.
You are all you got. We are here to support you in keeping YOU strong.
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Debbie has a proven track record and has proven her commitment to her client’s results.
Debbie tells you how to safely and successfully return to exercise following the Covid experience. Hear about her 5 Phase Covid Return to Exercise Protocol.
What we know is that exercise and movement are good for the body. We also know that through exercise, we increase our body's strength. As a part of this strength-building, we are building our immune system, the system that maintains a balance of health and fights off infection and disease. Therefore, it makes sense to continue with movement while ill. Participating in mild movement routines during an illness can help maintain strength in both our muscular and immune systems, but it is also proven to improve emotional and psychological health.
When you are ill, be patient with your body. It is fighting for you. Your body is working very hard. Therefore, extra care must be taken to balance this work. Exercise is a positive thing, AND with illness, too much of a good thing can be bad. Be smart. Usually, the more you respect your body, the faster it will continue to heal.
We know that COVID-19 is a virus that affects many systems, in particular the risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, and chronic fatigue complications. Because of this, the Return to Exercise after COVID protocol has been developed to protect these systems from damage due to COVID-19. As more data becomes available, we will revise these guidelines. At this time, experts worldwide advise strict adherence to a gradual return to an exercise program. Experts include Harvard Medical, American College of Sports Medicine, Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians, The Musculoskeletal Journal, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, British Journal of Sports Medicine, and Stanford Health Care.
All information, content, and materials within this protocol is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.
Debbie holds an MS Degree in Rehabilitation and BS Degree in Therapeutic Recreation. She also is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Therapist and a Certified Personal Trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine. As CEO of Serban Wellness and Fitness, her team will work with individuals to age gracefully, regain quality of life, and feel good daily. Debbie and her team are passionate about helping people achieve their health goals. The key isn't about being in perfect condition but, rather, in optimal condition. Optimal aging is not about living perfectly but about living optimally.